Applying for accreditation is a simple process. To apply, simply fill out the form and send over any additional information needed to evaluate your energy healing practices.

You can be assured that by joining GCEMA, you're joining a premier healing accreditation site. We do not approve everyone who applies, as some certification sites do. We are looking for high-quality energetical changes.

We're not looking for "feel good" energy work, although that is a part of it. We're looking for healers who make significant, long-term changes in their patients.

We're confident that since you're looking for high-quality accreditation, your energy work is also high quality.

We're looking forward to evaluating your submissions.

  • Your work will be reviewed by Dr. Renee Tucker within 2 weeks.
  • Once approved, you'll be able to use our logo on your site and link to our site to give your clients confidence in your work and help explain how what you do works. 
  • The fees for evaluation and maintaining accreditation are $300 annually. If not approved, you will be refunded your fees.
  • After submission, you'll be prompted to pay annual fees. All credit cards

If you have any questions please email us at [email protected]